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Cleaning equipment

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Beijing Xinchang Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

ADD:No. 2, north of Feng Rui Road, Suzhou Recycling Economy Park, Anhui






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Daily cleaning forms and processes of shopping malls

 1. One regular cleaner, 3-5 hours a day (excluding holidays);




2. Work and rest time is fixed by the enterprise, and lunch is served;




3. The services include: Three Guarantees in front of the door, wiping the table and windows, pushing the dust and wiping the floor, picking up garbage and cleaning the bathroom;




4. The company provides: simple cleaning and cleaning appliances, cleaning agents (excluding garbage bags, toilet paper, soap, sanitary balls and other cleaning consumables);




5. The company provides comprehensive glass cleaning and toilet disinfection services to the trustee once a month.

The last one:There is no information.   Next:大理石日常养护流程与操作